around n round she goes

A blog for my knitting, spinning, quilting, violin-playing, or whatever else floats my boat

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Location: Texas

Thursday, June 22, 2006


My knitting and I danced last night. The problem is while I was dancing the waltz - 1,2,3 ... 1,2,3 ... 1,2,3 - it was dancing the cha cha - 1 & 2 & cha cha cha.

The railway stitch socks - I was knitting and purling along when I realized that I had missed the last decrease almost a whole round ago - tink, tink, tink.

The sweatshirt jacket - I was working on the back in the 'close pattern' when I realized that I had missed a slip stitch near the beginning of the row - tink, tink, tink.

The Fearless Fair isle - I was half-way across the round when I realized that at the central steek I had swapped the pattern around (5 white, 1 brown, 5 white, 3 brown instead of 5 white, 3 brown, 5 white, 1 brown) - tink, tink, tink.

Then I gave up and went to bed. Sometimes it's just better that way.

I'd post pictures, but what's the point? Just look at the pictures from Monday and imagine everything a 1/4 inch longer.....

Maybe we'll be listening to the same music today.


Blogger Marina said...

Just tell them that unless they behave , you'll get a new partner ;-)

7:56 PM  
Blogger Brigitte said...

Oh no... :(

Somedays, no knitting ever goes right! I agree. Tell them to behave, or you'll have do get another partner (read: new project).

7:08 AM  

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