my new friends and some spinning and something really important
Jerry - a small Purple Pincher land hermit crab

Tom's another small crab, but I didn't get any good pictures of him. I've had Tom and Jerry for a couple of weeks, and got Lucy and Habibi yesterday. They're living in a 10 gallon tank in my office. Fascinating little critters, but require rather more set up and care than most people know.... humidity and temperature are critical.
I'm learning fast and think I've finally just about got their tank set up correctly. I need to add some netting for them to climb (I'm knitting it, of course). Most people seem to recommend nylon or hemp to prevent rotting or mold. I'm tempted to try wool. Wonder how well it will hold up to warm, humid conditions?
That shot last week was of their tank before I added all the extra stuff... there's a lot more bedding and things to climb on and under now. Lots of extra shells, too. They like to swap shells every now and then.
I haven't been doing a lot of knitting lately since I've been working so much. I have, however, been doing a fair amount of spinning on my little home-made bead spindle.

The finished yarn - there's about 40 yards in that hank. I'll combine it with two others to make a ball.
I've got about 570 yards so far. I need 1200 - 1500 yards for the shawl I'd like to make. Got a ways to go!
And the really important bit -
This is our 12th wedding anniversary! I love you sweetheart!
The happiest of Anniversaries to you two! Got any special plans?
I love your new friends, they are really cute, and yes you are right, rather labor intensive as far as minimalist pets go, but super cute none the less.
Happy Anniversary!!
Your new friends are really cute.
How cool are those little guys? I had no idea they needed so much special care. And the bead spindle is great.
Happy Anniversary! And Wow that is a lot of yardage!
Cute crabs with knitting content--I love your blog! I have a daughter who did a marine bio internship last year, whom I haven't quite convinced yet that knitting is cool. Crabs and knitting--I think I'm onto something here. Resistance is ultimately futile. (And I love those zebra socks. Zebra mussels?)
Oh, and (how late is this!) happy anniversary!
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