Oh, look... a sock
I know. How terribly exciting. But, I did manage to correctly graft the toe of this thing while watching the President's speech last night. I consider that either a tribute to my powers of concentration or something about the speaker (I'm not saying which).

Sorry about the slightly blurry picture - I'm too lazy to take another one right now.
Holly Jo wanted to know where to get the pattern for the Circumnavigated Cardigan. I got it from the guild, which (I think) got it directly from the designer, Medrith Glover. That's a link to her price list from the ample-knitters.com website. It's got her address and email on it (I think it's still current).
I've made a little bit more progress on it but not enough for a picture.
It is very exciting and it's a testament to your concentration that you could knit anything during his speech without falling asleep or throwing something at the TV. The man is not the best public speaker, you know?
Of course, it is exciting! I wouldn't have been able to get that much done.
medrith runs one of my favourite yarn stores. the wool room in Quincy, Ca
if they need her info...you can give them my email :-)
Well, the yarn is beautiful, and I think that would have been more than enough to keep my concentration! What is it? I love the colour combination.
Um, although I would really like to, I will not make any comments about the "decider". *snicker* I love that sock color combo, great for jeans.
Thanks for the information! There is a lot to be said for simple socks. I am impressed you grafted the toe during the speech. :)
What's incredible is that you managed to graft the sock toe without dying of boredom during the speech.
Not that our Prime Minister is any better.
You go, Carrie! I couldn't have said it better myself. I love the colors! ;0) So you guys getting nasty weather?
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